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Values to the people are delivered through volunteerism, philanthropy, community givebacks, community engagement, and sustainability initiatives. These nourish relationships with all stakeholders, cultivate a sense of purpose, and fulfill corporate social responsibility at the same time can foster the spirit of kindness in every works.


Our beliefs are the keys to staff behaviour within the company, that comprises of Execute, Niche and Deliver. Executing is planning and acting accordingly to reach targeted goals, before specializing and niche expertise. Producing results will be seen as we Deliver with excellence and perseverance for the greater good.


Our employees’ psychology is molded from the commitment that we apply in the organization. We are committed to contributing in six significant principles, consists of people empowerment, communities’ enrichment, social engagement, environment protection, market enrichment and economic growth.


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  • We have expanded the output of Bio fertilizers in 2021 as compared to 2020. These fertilizers are often made from living organisms such algae, fungi and bacteria to improve soil fertility.

    Foliar fertilizers supplement the nutrients by applying to the leaves of plants directly that helps in upgrades crop quality by corrects nutrient, vitamin deficiencies and advances overall plant health. 

    Organic fertilizers are forged from natural materials, the usage growth is minimal when the supply is calibrated between 2010 and 2011. They are also known as a good conductor to elevate soil structure. 

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